Check what kind of boss you are - PerfectCircle®

Check what kind of boss you are

Only 62% of employees in Poland assess the level of trust between themselves and their superior as adequate. Also, nearly 60% of employers react in the event of low results or failure to achieve goals. Less than half of entrepreneurs notice and appreciate the individual contribution of employees to the company’s achievements, demonstrate a motivating way of acting and support subordinates, giving them valuable tips to develop employees’ competences and skills (Aon Hewitt, 2013-2014).

Which employer group do you belong to? Remember that you can make changes to your management system and communication method almost every day. In the process of change, the feedback that can be provided by the people you work with is very important. Be prepared to discuss in an atmosphere of respect and openness.

If you want to find out how employees evaluate you as a manager, ask them about it in a way that allows them to answer honestly and fully. Take care of the relationship you build in the team. Conduct the conversation at the right place and time. Express your readiness for dialogue with your attitude. An atmosphere of trust generally favors greater openness among employees, who may be ready to point out to you significant advantages and areas for change in management. Ask specific questions that will concern the details of your work, referring to communication in the company, management and delegation of tasks. What if it doesn’t work?

Questions to help you evaluate yourself as a leader:

  • How do you rate yourself as a leader, on a scale from 1 to 10?
  • How committed are your employees to their duties?
  • How do you influence employee engagement?
  • How effective is your way of motivating employees?
  • What are you doing to enable employees to succeed?
  • How do employees feel in the work environment in your company?

To develop as a leader, you can use the coaching process with an experienced business coach from PerfectCircle®️. During this process, we will determine the current situation and your needs. With the coach, you will go through the process of change. This includes learning new skills, strengthening your positive sides and achieving your goal. You will learn how your actions will bring you closer or further away from achieving your personal goals. You will notice quick results. You will focus on your actions and yourself, or on the development of your own company. To easily examine your leadership style and the organizational culture you create with your team. We have developed a short study, which we now invite you to: ;

Don’t wait! Reach the next level of development as a leader. Take advantage of the study, or write or call us and arrange a free business coaching session.