Teal - PerfectCircle®


Is your team’s everyday work far from self-organisation? Want to change it? Got too much on your plate, and your team isn’t committed enough?

Let’s implement an innovative organisational culture to your company. Let’s move road From Hierarchy to Teal™.


Hierarchic, centralised organisational structures, developed thousands of years ago, are a thing of the past. Many companies and leaders, however, keep using this relic unconsciously to this day, unaware of more modern, decentralised structures such as networks, the solar system, sociocracy, or the holacratic structure.

Innovative companies such as Semco, igus, Buurtzorg, Spotify, Haier, Wikipedia, PerfectCircle, Bees & Honey, Boldare, Springest, and over 5,000 other enterprises all over the world already apply innovative, flexible, decentralised structures.

Millions of teams and organisations use Scrum, Agile, Kanban, and other modern methods of work.

Build agile, fast-learning organisations.

Start with us
transformation process today


Building a teal organisation involves each employee switching to inner motivation, self-organisation, and
self-management in teams. It also means better customer service, faster mutual learning, and a cohesive
organisational culture.

You can change your company’s organisational culture and implement Dynamic Self-Governance™.
How? Experienced practitioners from PerfectCircle will guide you and your organisation through three key stages of the transformation. First, they will analyse the current situation. Next, together with you, they will develop a plan for change and for implementing it. Finally, you will enter the next stage with self-organization, the evolution in management and achieve a quantifiable business result.

"Teal organisations, agile, scrum, self-managing teams, holacratic and sociocratic companies grow

Marek Wzorek

Survey the current organizational culture for free and get the Q26 report


Peter Drucker


Start-ups and innovative companies such as Google, Spotify, Netflix, igus, PerfectCircle, and thousands of other enlightened organisations choose to consciously build an organisational culture.

Prepare your company for rapid changes which we are seeing in business, society, and technology in the 21st century.

Create a workplace with the highest level of commitment and entrepreneurship.

Foster an organisation where employees say, “I’m passionate about working here,” and, “I like what I do and I like my co-workers,” instead of complaining and arguing.

Develop a new way of managing and leading, based not on reward and punishment or command and control, but instead on inner motivation and responsibility.

Create your new organisational
culture with us


The reason behind wars in the world and dysfunction in corporations, societies, and countries is a lack of transparency and clear rules that would apply equally to those at the top and to those below.

Change your organisational structure to the customer centric organizational structure Solar System and implement Dynamic Self-Governance™. This way, you will introduce radical transparency to your organisation and very fast scaling possibilities.

Implement Dynamic Self-Governance™


When growing their organisations, leaders unconsciously choose hierarchical management. They’re simply unaware of better alternatives. Opt for Dynamic Self-Governance and consciously choose: passion for work, transparency in decision-making, co-management, autonomy, self-management, inner motivation, employees’ responsibility, roles instead of positions, and happiness in the workplace!

Implement Dynamic Self-Governance™


Dynamic Self-Governance™ is a set of practices for managing an organisation, suited to the needs of people and teams of the 21st century. It is a style of modern, dynamic work in non-hierarchical structures.

By implementing Dynamic Self-Governance™, you gain:
– a dynamic, flexible organisational structure,
– a consciously shaped, self-managing organisational culture,
– a system of setting collaborative and individual goals (the most frequently implemented OKRs – Objective Key Results),
– transparency of decisions, results, and metrics throughout the organisation,
– a non-hierarchical, quick way of making decisions,
– an easy system for creating and changing roles, taking responsibility, and onboarding.

Ask us what else you will gain from implementing Dynamic Self-Governance™.

Implement Dynamic Self-Governance™



  • An independent French SaaS company, established in 2016.
  • A pioneer in the self-management market.
  • A team experienced in software development (its co-founders are also part of talkspirit.com).
  • Initially designed for practitioners of Holacracy, Holaspirit is a tool that supports self-management in various types of organisations.
  • Created in France 100% with love. GDPR-compliant.



  • A leading social network for companies and the number-one alternative for Slack/Workplace in France.
  • Just a few clicks are enough to engage a company’s community, spread key information, and schedule events.
  • Increased effectiveness of teamwork through dynamised interactions.
  • Effortless access from computers and mobile devices.
  • Protects the integrity and confidentiality of all data given by your employees.


od hierarchii do turkusu Marek Wzorek


Would you like to know how to grow, cooperate better, create services and products faster, and foster more effective, happier workplaces? Start your change with the basics — by reading the business bestseller by Marek Wzorek.

You will learn to avoid following the pattern of managing a company as an infallible ruler. The book will give you specific examples of organisations and companies that, thanks to teal management, are successfully using the changes happening in the world to their advantage.

You will see how easy it can be to implement new management methods in your company and to turn high stress levels into well-being and positive results, both personal and financial.

Contact us!